Tuesday, March 24, 2009

NNMC BRAC Bicycle Considerations

I think that I would love being a retired person who just sites around, hangs out, and writes about trying to set the world straight on my blog.  Being on spring break and I'm on my third blog post of the day.  And I don't even know if more than a few friends have read my blog.

I have looked at both the Montgomery County BRAC site and the Navy NNMC BRAC site
and can find almost nothing to suggest that anyone has even seriously
considered the benefits of increased bicycle facilities. 

I contacted the BRAC email to inquire about what planning or lack there of have been done for bicycles with regards to the increase of 2500 workers and potentially 500,000 patients.  Being the simpleton I am, I tend to think that some people taking bicycles could help improve the traffic situation for everybody while also lower health care costs through increased fitness.  I got a response from Mr. Jeff Miller, to whom then responded.  Ms. Juvonnie Kinchen-Schneider, the BRAC PAO, then contacted me. 

You can see the email chain here , but not the reponse from Ms. Kinchen-Schneider since she labeled it For Official Use Only and possible protected from disclosure under the FOIA.  I have an email drafted to ask her permission to release it, but am waiting a day to send it in case I am being too hasty and imprudent. 

There is a meeting of the State Highway Administration on 2 April at Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School from 1730-1930 regarding the proposed changes to intersections.


Phil Alperson said...

Hello. I just found this posting about the need to expand bicycle facilities to accommodate BRAC expansiobn at Navy Med in Bethesda. You said you didn't find much on Montgomery County's BRAC web site, but you missed some very relevant informatioon about the County's efforts to facilitate bike and pedestrian commuting to Navy Med. It is on the TRANSPORTATION Page of the County's web site. There are maps of proposed pathwaty improvements in the area around Navy Med. These maps were developed with the input of bicycle commuters to NNMC and NIH and were the subject of several meetings of the County's citizend advisory board on BRAC. The County is in the process of applying for DOD funds to conduct the technical studies necessary to make these improvements.

Phil Alperson
Montgomery County BRAC Coordinator

Anonymous said...

er... she emailed you. it's not protected from FOIA; that's a standard email sig from the military. you can do whatever you please with the email.

Anonymous said...

They are starting a Bicycle Club at NNMC to get additional input from bicyclists. Jeff Miller is the POC.