I took a bike ride today on my old cruiser from Bethesda to Georgetown on the Capital Crescent Trail. I then meandered through downtown intending to go Mayor Fenty's new conference and bike ride on pedestrian safety but ended up not finding it and being late. I tried to find the address on my iPhone, but it wouldn't show me the attachments that had the info. I then saw some idiots on a tour via Segways and thought "what a bunch of idiots." I took some pictures but they are over exposed since I'm a crap photographer.
I then took some photos, which also turned out over exposed, of the magnificent American Bar Association building to demonstrate what riches are produced by a cartel. It is almost impossible to become a lawyer without forking over close to six figures to a ABA accredited law school. I looked a bit yesterday, and it seems two non-ABA accredited California law school graduates have successfully gained admission to the Massachusetts and Connecticut bars. In the Connecticut case the plaintiff dropped the ABA from the suit after their excess disclosure requests.
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