Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My first published article:

My first published article:

    Color Blindness and Military Fitness for Duty: A New Look at Old Standards. Military Medicine. 2010;175(2):84-85.

    As my two coauthors and I wrote this on government time, in accordance with our duties as either medical students or as a physician, one can safely ignore the copyright notice.  It really doesn't make sense that Military Medicine even bothers to copyright their journal as so much of the content is not legally copyrightable.  If for some reason you come across this post and think that I am wrong, please contact me, so we can work things out. 


Anonymous said...

Is the function of the copyright, at least in this instance, not so much as to prevent use but to assure that proper credit is given when quoting the article? D.O.D.

Harry Buckles said...

Accreditation and copyright are two completely separate issues. According to the Constitution copyright is a temporary monopoly granted by the citizens in order to encourage the production of works. If you read Against Intellectual Monopoly by Boldrin and Levine, you will learn that this is not valid economically. Since the framers of the Constitution were so kind as to write down their exact reasoning for this piece of it, we don't get to debate it like the second amendment.

The imperative for proper accreditation is entirely a professional one. Whether or not I use someone else's work without proper attribution does not matter to a random person in Iowa since there is no economic ramifications. There may be ethical issues, akin to me telling the truth or not, that do matter to my profession.